When the composite tail of the Goldenhawk was completed by Kevin Knox of Diversions it was exactly as the plans (drawn by me) called for, however, once completed it was decided that a more rigid material and a more aerodynamic design would be an improvement.
So we contacted Darryl Murphy of MURPHY AIRCRAFT manufacturing in Chilliwack, BC. Darryl, listened to our plans for the next vertical stabilizer and with kind sensitivity to my feelings, suggested we meet to discuss a much better design. So yesterday, Kevin , trusty laptop in hand and and I, riding in the old Mercedes, top down , wind in my thinning hair, visited Murphy's plant in Chilliwack.
Darryl gave us a tour of his revamped facility and a peek at one of the world's largest state of the art, laser cutting machines and stepped in to build a new vertical stabilizer that will more resemble the Sabre F-86 and be engineered strong and safe like all his aircraft components.
You can see his line up of super airplanes by going to http://www.goldenhawk.ca/ click on the team and then on Murphy Aircraft Manufacturing or just click this link to see the great video presentation. http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1127733508/bclid1125865333/bctid1125998103
Makes me want to build a plane next!
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