Sunday, January 17, 2010

Cody is the Man.

Can't Keep a Good Man Down

Dan Nayoski, won't quit pushing to getter done. He is able to work from the chair. I would be whining and sitting at home but not Dan, he is moving tires organizing stuff.
Playing hurt? Pretending not to be is tough.
We hope he gets healed soon. Best wishes from us all.

Need to install a tranny stick?

Dean has it under control!
Thanks Dean!

Bryson Castillo is ready to race


Tom Boos a Handy Man

Good to see Tom again and not in pain. At Bonneville he was living on pain killers and working 12 hours a day on the car. He is still working on the car today he is fitting a new engine oil dipstick. Tom's brother Nic Boos is the artist that does the great airbrush work and put the Hawk on the car before we left for Speedweek. Tom was a part of that production as well as at the salt.

Planning session

Rob is busy as soon as we arrive at the warehouse. Bryson and Tom are watching as they put ideas into images on Rob's laptop.

Cody is the best "Gofer"

Go for this, go for that, tomorrow going for his drivers licence!!
Cody Gillis is prepared for the Bonneville trip. He has just got his passport in order and also started his own small business as well as working with Werner at the Mobile home park he will doing maintenance and repairs for folks locally. he is shown today pressure washing the salt that had been left over from the cleaning and washing we did after coming back from Wendover. Hopefully we have it all this time! But as any of the salt flat veterans will tell you it's a reoccurring task.

Welcome to Rob McNicol

Rob, brings many skills to the team. Skills in computer graphics which will be a big help for me with the PR stuff, but most importantly he has fresh and bright ideas accompanied by Engineering experience and training at BCIT. He and Bryson have a great deal in common and will make a good team to redesign many of the parts for this year. I look forward to a reduction in our time required to get things drawn and water jet cut or machined as the need may be.
Welcome aboard Rob.

Dean calls a meet!

12 Noon Sunday the 17Th at Tim Horton's, the team assembles. There is Dan the Man, suffering from a back injury and dead tired from moving and storing his company assets since he closed Vacuums Plus 15 Dec 09. However4r, he is a trooper and just to show he is going to be serious about getting us redesigned he introduced his friend Rob to the Hawks. Dean, Cody, Bryson, "Tom Tom" Boos and Werner were all there.

Salt + moisture = RUST

As you can see by clicking the photos, some of the corrosion is on the aluminum and places where we had metal filings dropped during final construction and some of it is just surface rust. However, it is interesting that two bolts in the lower frame have totally different corrosion levels, one red rust the other none.

Note the breather, rusted, the other one not shown is shiny like new???? We will change up all the fasteners except the critical high strength ones for Stainless steel for next August and see what a difference it makes.

January 10th Speedweek prep begins!

Sunday some of the team assembled to begin the process of preparing for the run to Bonneville. If it seems like we have a lot of time, we do and we know how much time it takes to get changes planned, drawings produced, parts built and the assembled.
It was Deans "lil Jeep that could", towing the trailer into position to unload the Hawk. Bryson was watching the canopy clearance and Barklee and I just watched.
Werner came with some much needed tools and parts so after we unloaded the car we took off the body.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Autumn Daze - Just Ducky

November 26 2009 the hawk is nested and Barklee is rested.

It has been a long time since I had time to relax for a while and enjoy the river scenery.


Brian Vanderburg, has a reputation for being the guy you want to move your precious CARgo and he was on hand to reposition the Hawk after the unit we first stored in, was leased and after only 5 days we had to move to a different one. Both of these warehouses are donated by a very good client and friend Paolo C.
Thanks for the shelter and security.

Goldenhawk spotted in Germany

My niece Colleen and Darcy came across this Golden Hawk in a museum in Germany. They are avid Lake of the Woods yachting couple, hard working and fun loving travers.
Thanks for thinking to send this photo.

Not much happening

It was Oct 1 the last time I wrote anything in the blog. A few people have commented that they noticed and assumed the team was taking it slow and recharging the batteries for the spring.

Well that is true, about the only thing I (we) have done is cleaned the car and put it in the storage.

Yes, there has been some behind the scenes work happening. Yuri made some great landing gear modifications and Bryson is engineering new parts for some things. Werner is gathering equipment. We bought a battery charger to keep the batteries up so that when we get back to it the power will be "on".

Art has been rescuing guys who fall/jump off BC Ferries. Dan has wound his business up so Vacuums Plus is closed and he is going to semi retire.

Dean rode has scooter until the snow came and now whips around in his lil black jeep.

Jamie is back in Calgary keeping the bad guys off the streets. Cody is working with Werner and preparing for the next part of his life, with drivers licence and passport so he can come to Bonneville. "Tom Tom" Boos is in touch but mostly working his business, but calls once in a while.

Still not much excitment to write about!