Jack, "You got a biscuit treat"? |
"I Love this Candy cane treat"! |
Back OFF it is mine! |
OK I am loving and cute again, what's next? |
Visit with Earl McMillian (vet pilot WWII bombers) |
Ed Shadle will recognize this engine Ala NAE |
A real BLUE ANGEL? |
Ted Robinson loaded the engine blocks to take to HEADS UNLIMITED IN SURREY |
Dave Arnold at Heads Unlimited made perfection in head prep seem like childs play. |
Their logo says it all! |
My job is to keep the engine from hitting anything. Very technical so I have a special pry bar! |
We trimmed the trees away from the tent and Ted is seen here pressure washing the accumulated organics that form over the past 7 months. |
He's originally from Nova Scotia, a millwright by trade, Ted has been in BC for the last ten years. here he is welding new casters on the heavy duty engine stand donated by my neighbour. |
Ted and Barklee get along great, maybe because TED is so kind and scratches his back. I look forward to Ted's contributions to the Goldenhawk and hope he can come to Bonneville next Speedweek. |
Would this called a 12TBA 48valve Cummins? |
The stretched car sure looks like the original, Nice work Roy! |
Prepare to run. |
At the starting line. |
waiting for the course to be 'locked down" for Roy's run. |
Teething problems kept the Chassis Engineering Special from its potential 400mph speeds. |
Leaving Lynda |
Everyone says "this is awesome totally Fu**'n awesome!" |
Larry has his eye on the car body? |
Dennis admires one of five hundred hot rods at Speedweek. |
Some show car people say "I wouldn't take my car out on the salt." Racers understand that there is a car wash and perhaps rain on the way home! |
Mega Motor |
Check out this load. |
Grandad had a SAAB and it didn't look like this. |
Always my first thrill of Bonneville, as you break over the hills and see Wendover and "the salt flats" |
Lands End Gate worker welcomes Dennis Hicks (almost my cousin 2) .Dennis is well known as a Funny car owner driver and now has a front engined dragster for nostalgia racing. |
Ken Rouble, X-BSA motorcycle racer and Norton Commando S owner/enthusiast |
Aurele Gagon (L), Ken, Justin Howat(R) roll out the drive assemble to load. |
Thanks to Tony Rodrigues for his assistance and to Aurele for good wishes. |
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One of the best the fastest hot rods in the world! |
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Alan Fogliadini, is Mr.Cool when he is driving this racecar, He set 288mph Record at Speedweek 2011! |