Monday, May 14, 2007

Update on the body

Well today, Kevin Knox of Diversions and Werner were hard at the building of the body. As I said before it is a lot of fitting and trimming and takes longer than we expected. Barry Clarke, the owner of PLASTEC is going to assign some extra hands to assist when they are available which will speed things up. It is a very special trade, plastic fabrication. They make it look easy but I can tell you it is not. I spent the time today planning the cockpit latches and getting material for the embedded aluminum that will stabilize and attach to the locking devices. I also was back at Aggressive Tube Bending (you remember them they built the chassis and powerframe) scrounging more drawings and getting Ben the bender to make the hoop to be embedded. The body is ready to be rolled over to fit the bottom panels tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Randy/ Loved looking over all of the information on these pages, looks like you have some great people working on the Golden Hawk. When will the engine testing start?

    All the best and good luck this summer.
