Here's a pic of our 51 with our 3 boys and daughter.
"They think your car is coool"
Jesse Terry and family
Their names left to right are
Parker, Cash, Rivers and Jesse 2
I'm sure the kids will love it, send me an email if you have time when you can and I'll show them all
Thank you for your kind return
I'm sure the kids will love it, send me an email if you have time when you can and I'll show them all
Thank you for your kind return
Hey Randy Funny how such a small thing can help The kids are so excited to see you have put their hotrod on your racing site and they all look forward to reading and seeing yours and your Golden Hawk teams future successes We crawl before we walk and walk before we run, however the pursuit to achieve greatness in any walk can be said to be in all. Your walk has most certainly help many in many ways and now our children too Greatest Thanks