Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seven years after ?

Today we celebrated Doug Menges' retirement from a long career with the gas company. And at that same time I was celebrating seven years to the hour of receiving open heart surgery. Thanks to the skilled healthcare personnel I am here to write this. Not only am I here but I have never felt healthier, younger, yes but not healthier!
The point of this is to confess the motivation behind the Goldenhawk Project, and that is; while awaiting and following the surgery I was surrounded by people that felt they had not lived life to the fullest. I, on the other hand was content and prepared to accept whatever the future would bring because I had lived my dreams and pursued my passions without fear of the future and without money as my God. Thanks entirerly to my parents, Bill and Lula (Lulu) Pierce. It was at that time I was motivated to set a land speed record and to include others in the process, that they too might have an adventure that they otherwise would have missed. This is not a noble or unself act just my way of life.
Thank you all for reading this and most importantly thanks all of the people who have been touched, contributed or are influenced by this project including my love Wendy.
Sincerely yours,

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