Nothing like a surprise party. Dan's mother had baked a cake and sent it along with him for a special occasion and this seemed just right. Roger was not expecting three teams to be singing happy birthday to him in the pits. That Marlene is very sneaky at times.

Did you see the saw for cutting the cake?
It was a joke the cake was soft and fresh and very tasty,

Rapid Fire is Roger Manson's Racer. He was racing it as a 4x4 when I met him and Marlene 33 years ago. It has since morphed from mudrunner to sand dragster, to NHRA drag racer and now went 175plus on the salt. It is powered by a blown and injected Pontiac Tempest 4 cylinder with an early jeep body. (Whats left of it!) "This is engine #40 something", he says.
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